Let us watch for trademark infringers.

Let Legal Ip Service monitor your valuable trademarks. Catch infringers early and save money on enforcement actions.

  • Alert you of potential confilcts with other marks.
  • Employ broad search strategy to find infringers.
  • Get advice on next steps to deal with infringers.

Why monitor your trademark

Focus on your business while we focus on your trademark.

Dispute conflicting marks

At Legal Ip Service, our team familiarize themselves with your trademark application, allowing them to provide support tailored to your needs.

Enforce your rights

Trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights, including the monitoring of others’ use of marks that are similar to their own.

Easy-to-read report

It’s important you understand why someone else’s mark can potentially infringe your trademark. Our report indentifies and alerts you in such cases.

$199 / monthly Get continued protection through our active, comprehensive, and customized trademark monitoring services.

  • Active monitoring of the USPTO database
  • Personalized monitoring strategy to watch for potentially conflicting trademarks
  • Monitoring for deceptively similar trademarks
  • Detailed reports delivered via email every month
Call to discuss


Online trademark and logo infringement is on the rise. And when you consider how this infringement can directly impact your brand and sales, sitting around is not really an option. The process of creating your trademarks and service marks — as well as filing them with relevant authorities and securing their registration — is just the beginning.

Your organization must now take appropriate steps to ensure that other parties do not use these marks without your permission, which means remaining vigilant in all markets where your goods or services are sold.

Why monitor your trademark?

Identify & quickly respond to potential threats

  • Discover trademark infringements before opposition window ends
  • Avoid losing rights due to delays or a lack of response
  • Limit risk and gain peace of mind

Strengthen & enforce your competitive position

  • Track trademark activities of your competitors
  • Deter others from filing similar trademarks
  • Stay a step ahead of the competition

Satisfied Customers

Trusted by over 10,000 businesses. Protect your intellectual property with confidence.

Common Questions: Trademark Monitoring

If you have more questions, please give us a call or chat now with one of our Certified Trademark Specialists.

  • What is trademark monitoring?

    Generally, trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights. In order to enforce your trademark rights, you need to be aware when others are infringing your mark. Trademark Monitoring is a service that alerts you when someone is using a mark similar to yours.

  • Why do I need to monitor my trademark?
  • What does the USPTO consider a trademark conflict?
  • When and how can one party use another's trademark?